Proper care for your hair accessories, including acetate plastic hair claws, hair pins, hair clips, hair scarves, and scrunchies, is essential to ensure their longevity and maintain their appearance.

star youth hair clip (10)

Here are some care tips for each type of accessory:

Acetate Plastic Hair Claws:

Avoid exposing acetate plastic hair claws to excessive heat or direct sunlight, as it may cause them to warp or discolor.

Clean the hair claws gently with a soft cloth or mild soap and water. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the plastic.

Store the hair claws in a cool and dry place, away from excessive moisture or humidity.

Hair Pins and Hair Clips:

Remove any hair strands or debris from the pins and clips after each use to prevent buildup.

If the pins or clips become dirty, gently clean them with a soft cloth or toothbrush dipped in warm soapy water. Rinse thoroughly and air dry.

Avoid pulling or bending the pins or clips forcefully, as it may cause them to break or lose their shape.

Store the hair pins and clips in a designated container or organizer to prevent tangling or damage.

Hair Scarves:

Follow the care instructions provided by the manufacturer, as different types of fabrics require specific care.

For silk or delicate fabric scarves, hand wash them in lukewarm water with a mild detergent. Avoid twisting or wringing the scarf.

Dry the scarf flat or hang it to air dry to prevent stretching.

Iron the scarf on a low heat setting if needed, following the fabric's care instructions.


If the scrunchies are made of fabric, remove any hair strands or debris from them after use.

To refresh the scrunchies, hand wash them in lukewarm water with a mild detergent. Rinse thoroughly and air dry.

Avoid using harsh chemicals or bleach on fabric scrunchies, as they may cause color fading or damage.

Store the scrunchies in a clean and dry place to maintain their elasticity.

It's important to note that specific care instructions may vary depending on the material and brand of your hair accessories. Always refer to the care instructions provided by the manufacturer for the best care practices.

Hair accessories with sequins:

Gentle Handling: While the sequins are securely sewn, it's still advisable to handle the accessories with care. Avoid pulling or stretching the sequins excessively.

Avoid Excessive Force: When putting on or removing the accessories, do so gently to prevent any strain on the stitching that holds the sequins.

Storage: Store the accessories in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Consider wrapping them in soft tissue or cloth to prevent any friction between sequins during storage.

Avoid Sharp Objects: Keep the accessories away from sharp objects or rough surfaces that could catch on the sequins and potentially cause them to loosen.

Regular Checks: Periodically inspect the accessories for any loose threads or missing sequins. If you notice any issues, address them promptly to prevent further damage.

Clean with Caution: If cleaning is necessary, use a soft, dry or slightly damp cloth to gently wipe the sequins. Avoid excessive moisture, as it could affect the stitching over time.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Keep the accessories away from harsh chemicals, such as perfumes and hairsprays, which can potentially damage both the sequins and the stitching.

Individual Storage: Store accessories individually or in separate compartments to prevent any rubbing or friction that may occur when they are stored together.

By following these care tips, you can prolong the lifespan and maintain the appearance of your hair accessories, ensuring that they continue to enhance your hairstyles for a long time.

Beaded necklace

Caring for Your Beaded Necklace: A Simple Guide

1. Handle with Love:

Gently handle your beaded necklace when wearing, adjusting, or removing it. This ensures the longevity of the beads and prevents any accidental breakage.

2. Avoid Contact with Water:

Keep your beaded necklace dry. Water can weaken the string and dull the shine of the beads. Remove it before swimming, showering, or engaging in water activities.

3. Perfume & Lotions Off First:

Apply perfume, lotions, or any beauty products before putting on your beaded necklace. This helps avoid the accumulation of product residues on the beads.

4. Storage Matters:

Store your beaded necklace in a cool, dry place. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures, as this can affect the quality of the beads and string over time.

5. Clean with Care:

To clean, gently wipe the beads with a soft, damp cloth. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that may damage the surface of the beads.

6. Rest Between Wears:

Give your beaded necklace a break between wears. Allowing it to rest prevents excessive wear and maintains its original beauty.

7. Handle Knots Mindfully:

If your necklace has knots, handle them with care. Gently work them out using a thin, pointed tool. Pulling too hard can strain the string.

8. Professional Care for Repairs:

If you notice any damage or loose beads, it's best to seek professional assistance for repairs. They can restring or fix any issues, ensuring your necklace lasts for years.

By following these simple tips, you'll keep your beaded necklace looking as dazzling as the day you got it. Embrace the beauty of each bead and let your necklace shine!